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Take control of the
cron events on your
WordPress website

Simple and powerful management

Use WP Crontrol to view, create, edit, reschedule, pause, delete, export, and immediately run cron events on your site.

The most popular solution

WP Crontrol is trusted by over 300,000 sites, 10x more than any other cron management plugin.

For site owners

WP Crontrol is an essential tool for owners of WordPress websites and WooCommerce stores to ensure that scheduled cron events run correctly and efficiently.

For developers

WP Crontrol is an invaluable tool for developers looking to streamline and debug their WordPress development process.

Trusted by the enterprise

WP Crontrol is in use on some of the most visited WordPress platforms in the world, including Altis and WordPress VIP.

Free and open source

WP Crontrol is free and open source software, just like WordPress.