What happens if I deactivate the WP Crontrol plugin?
Before you deactivate or delete the WP Crontrol plugin you should be aware of what happens to the cron events and cron scheduling on your site.
If your site is making use of paused hooks, PHP cron events, URL cron events, or custom cron schedules, then affected events will to cease to operate as expected if you deactivate or delete WP Crontrol. If you've only used it to view and make edits to events then there should be no problem. Read on for full details.
Paused cron hooks
Any cron hooks that you've paused through WP Crontrol will be resumed because the pausing is handled by WP Crontrol. If you subsequently reactivate WP Crontrol, they will become paused again.
URL cron events and PHP cron events
If you've created a URL cron event or a PHP cron event with WP Crontrol, these events will remain in place after you deactivate WP Crontrol but they will cease to operate because the events are processed by WP Crontrol. If you subsequently reactivate WP Crontrol, they will resume operating as normal.
Custom schedules
If you've created a custom cron schedule from the Settings → Cron Schedules screen, these schedules will no longer be available for use by cron events on your site because they get added by WP Crontrol.
Any cron event which uses a custom schedule will run once more at its next scheduled time. If the event is provided by a plugin on your site then it will usually get rescheduled by the plugin with its default schedule, but this is not guaranteed. If the event is a custom one that you added through WP Crontrol then the event will disappear.
If you subsequently reactivate WP Crontrol, your custom schedules will become available for use again.
Edits to events
If you've edited a cron event and changed its arguments, next run time, or schedule, these changes will persist because this data is stored in the standard WP-Cron system in WordPress.
All other events
All other standard cron events will remain in place and should continue to work as expected.